We have just returned from a lovely trip to Southern France as I mentioned in my last post and of course no trip is complete without a side jaunt to the fabric district, am I right? Unfortunately, Nice is more laid-back, I guess, and so I could only find a couple of places in the city center that sold fabric. Possibly the outskirts would have more but we weren't driving. So there were a couple of places: one, called Etamine, had outrageously (for me ) high prices, like 50 euros per meter for wool, that sort of thing. This I discovered while looking in the window, so didn't even attempt to go in the store (Mr. D heaves a sigh of relief). The second was a Toto outlet. In Paris, Toto is a very well-known name for cheap household goods, kind of like the old 10-cent stores that I grew up with. Not like Wal-mart exactly, because they're small.
Nevertheless, definitely of lesser quality.
But you gotta get a souvenir, right? As I walked into the store, I saw the magic words-- coupons(cuttings) by the pound in the basement. Excitement mounted. Mr. D. groaned. It was slim pickins' but this is what I came up with after a great deal of digging:
The one on the left is a voile, quiet print but good color and the one on the right is a rayon challis, great color but proper placement of the BIG flowers will be crucial. I got about 6 yards for 10 euros or $12.50 or so. Not bad. Since I was kind of "hurried" I just went for the color.
Anyway, these will be good for next summer either for myself or daughter C and will bring lovely memories of our trip as they're made up.
Can't wait for my dress!-C