Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Newest Member of the Sewing Team!

Yay!  My brand new Ott light will allow me to create beautiful ballgowns and tuxedos and enable me to leap tall buildings in a single bound!  Actually, it won't do any of those things, of course, but will save my eyesight for a little longer.  I do have a smaller one on top of my ironing board which is helpful, but used to have just a regular living room lamp, which was NOT helpful and gave off a lot of heat besides.

As you can see, I don't have a fancy sewing room, just a converted bedroom.  However, I do have a large fabric stash in our cellar.  Also, I put my machine on top of my mother's old White cabinet and use the drawers.  One of these days I'll have it serviced but that will require a home visit from the tech guy.

Anyway, I do recommend this beautiful light to anyone still on the fence.  $50 at Lowe's.

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